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Solution-focused hypnotherapy is an approach to hypnotherapy that focuses on helping individuals identify and achieve their desired goals or outcomes, rather than delving deeply into the underlying causes of their issues. This therapeutic approach combines elements of traditional hypnotherapy with principles from solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT), a psychological counselling method.

What will a solution-focussed hypnotherapy be like?

Unlike counselling, solution-focussed hypnotherapy sessions are very structured and after the initial consultation appointment, each sessions follows the same structure. 


The initial consultation session involves a brief discuss about your goals and desired outcomes. I will then talk you through an explanation of how your brain works, linking this to how hypnotherapy works. Clients always find this explanation enlightening. 


Subsequent sessions involve the following structure (1) Focusing on what’s been good since the last session, (2) Scaling – provides a guide as to where on the scale you are currently experiencing your issue. (3) Miracle question


The session usually begins with a brief discussion, where the therapist and client explore the client's goals, challenges, and desired outcomes. The therapist will ask open-ended questions to understand the client's current situation and identify the strengths and resources they already possess. Unlike traditional therapies, this conversation is forward-looking, focusing on what the client wants to achieve rather than dwelling on past issues.


How often do I need to attend?

Hypnotherapy  is a commitment for both client and hypnotherapist.


To make the most out of hypnotherapy and to ensure the best chance of success, hypnotherapy sessions usually take place weekly or fortnightly and are 60 minutes in length. ​​ 


How much does it cost?

Prices vary dependant on the treatment you are receiving  - please see the specific issue page to see what the cost would be related to that, 


How do I Pay?

Sessions are payable in advance of each session using one of the following method: -

  • Bank Transfer at least 48 hours prior to your session


counselling room

Frequently Asked Questions - Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy Myths You May Have Heard...

  • Hypnotherapy involves me being made to walk around like a chicken or doing things I don’t want to do - Hypnotherapy has been the subject of many misconceptions that are often fuelled by things people have seen in movies or from watching stage hypnotists. But these are just that – misconceptions. One of the most common misconceptions is that a hypnotherapist can make you walk like a chicken against your will. Hypnotherapists cannot make you do anything against your will. During trance, you are always fully aware of what’s happening, and you remain in control of your actions. If the hypnotherapist says and or suggests something that goes against your values or desires, your mind will naturally reject it. Hypnotherapists cannot take over your mind – solution-focussed hypnotherapy is a collaborative process where your active participation in the sessions is key to therapeutic success. 


  • I can get stuck in a trance - It is impossible to get ‘stuck’ in trance. Trance is a natural state of focussed attention and relaxation that people enter and exit every single day, like when daydreaming or being absorbed in a good book or movie. In a solution-focussed hypnotherapy session, you can return to full awareness at any time simply by choosing to do so. If for some reason, the hypnotherapist stopped guiding the session, you would naturally come out of the trance state on your own. 


  • I have seen a stage hypnotist - it is the same thing - Stage hypnosis is designed for entertainment and often features people who would have been willing to go along with the suggestions even if not in a trance. These performances are highly exaggerated and don’t represent what happens in a therapeutic setting. Solution-focussed hypnotherapy is a serious therapeutic practice focused on helping you to achieve your personal goals, such as overcoming anxiety, breaking habits, or improving self-esteem. The goal is to empower you and not to entertain an audience.


  • Only certain people can be hypnotised and I’m not one of them - Most people can enter the hypnotic state called trance quite easily, as it’s a natural part of how the human mind works. It isn’t a matter of whether you can be hypnotised but whether you allow yourself to be hypnotised.  You go into trance at least twice a day – just before you fall asleep and just upon waking up and trance also occurs when you are deeply engrossed in something such as a good book, movie or workout at the gym. Have you ever driven from A to B and realised that you haven’t registered how you got there? Obviously, this is not encouraged when driving but that is trance. 

  • However, the depth of trance can vary from person to person. Hypnotherapy is about guiding you into a state of relaxation and focus where you can work on your goals. Even if you don't go into a "deep" trance, you can still benefit from the suggestions and visualizations used during a session.


  • Hypnotherapy is dangerous - Hypnotherapy is a safe, non-invasive therapeutic practice when conducted by a trained professional. It has been used for decades to help people manage pain, reduce stress, overcome fears, and improve various aspects of their lives. The hypnotherapist's role is to create a supportive environment where you feel comfortable exploring your thoughts and feelings. As with any therapy, it’s important to work with a qualified practitioner to ensure a safe and effective experience


  • Hypnotherapy is the same as being asleep - This is a common misconception about hypnosis and trance. It is the complete opposite – when in trance you are more fully awake because the trance state is increasing your attention, heightening your concentration and the brain is really active. In fact, when in trance, the brain uses theta brainwaves which are linked to enhanced creativity and problem-solving abilities. When in the theta state the mind is free to explore new ideas and solutions that might not be apparent in the beta wave state (the state of normal waking consciousness). The theta state is also known to facilitate memory and learning processes and the mind is more open to learning and integrating new information.

"If you asked me 10yrs ago if I would try hypnotherapy, I would’ve said no. But now, I am so glad I did try it! Through hypnotherapy, I have started to rewire my brain. I allow myself to feel the emotions in the moment, but I don’t obsess over them for days or weeks, or try to suppress them like I used to.
Despite my chronic illness, my anxiety has reduced, I don’t react so strongly to stressors, I feel more in control, happier, and positive about my future. Kelly was professional, empathetic, kind, and positive. She kept me grounded and focused on my goals. I am so grateful for the sessions I have had, and I will continue to use the skills I have learnt." 

- Hypnotherapy Client for chronic pain

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